
Measure the carbon footprint of your stay, including energy consumption from heating, electricity, and amenities like pools and saunas. Our API helps offset the emissions from your choice of accommodation.

Learn more

How we estimate accommodation emissions

Leveraging industry-leading methodologies, our emissions calculator assesses the carbon footprint of homestays by incorporating various parameters such as heating, electricity, water consumption, and the use of amenities like air conditioning, saunas, and swimming pools. By categorising countries based on climate and applying region-specific data, the calculator enhances accuracy and reliability.

API Request

Provide details like room size, number of travelers, and amenities to estimate your stay’s emissions.

  "start_date": "1970-01-01",
  "end_date": "1970-01-01",
  "country_code": "GB",
  "square_meters": 75,
  "number_of_travelers": 1,
  "sauna_included": false,
  "air_conditioning_included": false,
  "swimming_pool_included": false
API Response

Get a CO2 emissions estimate in kilograms based on your stay details for easy tracking or offsetting.

  "emissions_in_kg": 1000

Want to see more?

To view our complete API documentation, and to see just how easy it is to integrate with us, follow the button below. Something confusing you? Contact us, we are more than happy to help.


Frequently asked questions

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